Center for Addiction and Recovery Education
We Champion YOUR Success & Service in Addiction Recovery

Recovery Support Specialist Training

Peer Recovery Essentials

Selection of Individual Courses
Courses for Addiction Recovery Support Services
For Peer Specialist and Supporters-Mental Health Professionals
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Certification Roadmap
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Addiction Trends
Five Factors that Explain Addiction
Recovery Trends & Treatment
Many Pathways – No Wrong Doors
Recovery Support Services
Keys to Unlock “Recovery Oriented Systems of Care”
Small changes can make a big difference in reducing your chances of having alcohol-related problems. Download the FREE Cutting Back Guide for some strategies you (or a friend) might try.
I’ve known Dr. Jean LaCour personally for over four decades and greatly esteem her as a pioneer and international thought leader in the field of addiction recovery. Her passion is unmatched for helping individuals and families facing addiction. In fact, she originated some of the most respected professional training programs in the field—equipping counselors, pastoral teams, peer coaches and recovery support staff to confidently and effectively serve in the addiction field.
Dr. Jean’s first-hand experience in scores of nations—from Egypt and Russia to India and Malaysia—confirms that her professional addiction recovery curriculum is universally applicable, cross-cultural and utterly transformational for countless millions of people in countries around the world.
She is a champion and advocate for anyone who wants to serve in the field of Addiction Recovery. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Jean LaCour and her work!
I didn’t know if you were aware or not that I had passed the exam for my FL Certified Addiction Professional credential. I passed with flying colors! I appreciate the quality of your clinical content, the great text book,s and the flexibility to work at my own pace. I am grateful for your help and wanted you to know. Thank you for all you do in the area of addictions and for your shining example.
Dr. Jean LaCour is a pioneer in the recent reemergence of the Recovery Movement. Since 1996, Dr LaCour’s work has focused on raising the standards of recovery care and teaching these principles through the NET Institute and in her special work across the globe. Dr. LaCour has been a NAADAC Approved Training Provider since 2003, training clinical addiction counselors and non-clinical recovery support workers in the US and in over 90 countries. I value Dr. LaCour’s collegial support of NAADAC ‘s Recovery to Practice Advisory Board in which her valuable experience and knowledge has assisted in informing and in developing our National Recovery Support Specialist Credential.