Things are changing – rapidly. For example, in the past we were told that information doubled every 10 years; now it doubles every four years. And, in the workplace, the need and competition for more highly skilled ‘knowledge’ workers is increasing. Consequently, more and more adults are pursuing ongoing, continuous and higher education.

In fact, a recent survey predicted that college enrollment will grow 16% over the next ten years; yet, because of limited access to training facilities, faculty and the ever increasing costs of providing instructor-led education, more and more learners are choosing the alternative of online education options.

Technology enabled learning (distance learning) offers many benefits such as: affordability, consistency and quality of education content, self-paced flexibility in the timing of the course offerings (i.e. start date / length of program), and the ability to accommodate a learner’s other responsibilities, such as full-time jobs or family needs. The NET Institute offers a unique learning experience through a state-of-the art technology platform which is conveniently available 24 hours a day. This means that you can get started right away and learn from anywhere in the world around the clock year-round.

We are proud to offer all of our courses and full program training to you online!